Internal Multi Protocol COM Card

Brand: Kessler-Ellis Products (KEP)

  • The multi-protocol communication card is an internal, high per-formance, Building Management System communication solution for the ST2 flow computer family. The card provides an instant interface, enabling the KEP flow computers to communicate with multiple BMS protocols, including:
  • LonWorks.
  • LonWorks protocol requires a different module assembly from the other available protocols. LonWorks is not field selectable.
  • Internal communication card eliminates the need for external protocol converters.
  • Supports: BACnet IP, BACnet MS/TP, Metasys N2, Modbus TCP, AB Ethernet IP, AB DF1.
  • Easy to configure via the Web Interface.
  • Dedicated internal LonWorks is also available.
  • Dedicated internal RS485 Modbus RTU is also available.


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