The tunnel flow measuring device for long-term operation
The FLOWSIC200 is used for the contact-free and accurate measurement of flow velocity and flow direction inside tunnels or exhaust ventilation ducts. Ultrasonic technology provides the cross-sectional mean average value of the flow velocity.
This device is used for measurement necessary for optimal ventilation control and reducing running costs to a minimum when air flow is dictated by climatic conditions or by traffic.
In the case of fires in tunnels, the accurate, reliable, and representative measurement of air velocity and direction across the tunnel is mandatory. This is the only way to reliably check the smoke propagation and to achieve the necessary information for optimal control of the ventilation system.
Representative measurement across the entire width of the tunnel
Very reliable measuring, compared to spot-measuring process
Exact measurement of even very low flow velocities
Long maintenance interval of up to five years
Low operating costs thanks to reliable operation and low maintenance
High device availability and therefore also the measurement data
Low cost of investment thanks to mobile application with various test benches
Convenient installation without feedback on engine characteristics and exhaust gas analysis systems
Extended operating time through patented sensor cooling
Low operating costs thanks to minimal maintenance requirements
At a glance
Internal non-contact measurement
High acoustic power for measuring across large tunnel widths
Rugged components are made of titanium, stainless steel, or die cast
Versions for corrosive tunnel atmospheres
No mechanical moving parts
Advanced diagnostics for early detection of faults